Book: NOOR AL-BAYAN (A Universal Interpretation of the Holy Quran)
Publisher: Salam Educational Center (2018)
ISBN-10: 1630750387
ISBN-13: 978-1630750381
Package Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Cost: Paperback from $14.49

Sayed Jumaa Salam is a fake author of Noor Al-Bayan. This book was originally written by the following peoples:
- SaLee Amina Mohammed
- Ibrahim Aly Ibrahim
- Khabab Salam
- Mimy Sayed Tura
- Taher Abu-Yousef
- Larry Patterson
Questions About Author’s Credibility:
- As you know, every edition of every book has a unique ISBN number. So, then, why does the first edition, second edition & third edition of Noor Al-Bayan have the same ISBN number?
- I noticed that you used “Dr. Sayed Jumaa Salam” as the author of Noor Al-Bayan, printed on the cover and inside. Where did you get your Doctorate degree? What university? What was your major? What was your degree in? What was your Doctoral Thesis? What year did you graduate?
- The book doesn’t mention any references. Any reasons?
- The book doesn’t mention any Author Bio (biography). Any reasons?
- Can you talk about your alleged Doctorate degree?
- Can you talk about your alleged Master’s degree?
- Can you talk about your alleged Bachelor’s degree?
- In the first edition of Noor Al-Bayan, you had six names mentioned on page ten, listed as people who helped write Noor Al-Bayan, including Dr. SaLee’ Amina Mohammed. Why was Dr. SaLee’ Amina Mohammed’s name removed after the first edition, and all subsequent editions made no mention of her?
- If this is all fake. Is it allowed in Islam to print a fake degree on Holy Quran?
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